Hope & Encouragement
10 Scriptures to Battle Anxiety
Silt-covered stones sleep on the creek bottom as if they’re entirely oblivious to the current threatening to wash them away. I’ve come to the woods because my heart is heavy, and I need space to sort through my worries. Pulling out my Bible and journal, I begin searching for Scriptures to battle anxiety and stress….
The Key to Choosing Contentment and Finding Peace in Your Life
My perspective gets all jumbled up most days. How about you? Our hearts can easily shift and sway as emotions bounce around us, instead of grasping reality. In this day and age, it can be hard to keep choosing contentment and finding peace in your life because of loud voices distracting you from what is truly…
Discover 3 Powerful Ways to Beat the Blues and Find Joy
Does your joy-o-meter seem to plummet to an all new low with the latest headline, heartache, or health concern? Do you find since the paycheck is stretched, so is your peace? Are you having wrestling with how to beat the blues and find joy again? With all the self-help guru’s out there it can be…
Help For The Self-Condemning Heart
What does your heart say? If you are like most others, you may struggle with a self-condemning heart that is shrouded in negative thoughts, gloomy outlooks, and visions of defeat. There is help for the self-condemning heart! The Enemy doesn’t want us to live with freedom, joy or a light heart. Far from it, he…
Calming the Storms of Life
The unexpected phone calls, health diagnosis, or broken relationships can cause our hearts to churn with turmoil and our minds to race with anxiety. Are you stuck in the middle of a mess and need help calming the storms of life? Are you looking for God in the middle of your storm and wondering if…
3 Practical Tips for Helping Your Child Overcome Anxiety With God
How do you help your child overcome anxiety as a Christian? Are you looking for help on how to handle a child with their issues of fear or anxiety? It’s a question many ask when our souls hit the high seas and we feel like there’s no anchor. It’s hard to watch our children struggle with…
Deep Grief, Great Love- Finding Your Anchor When A Loved One Dies
Have you experienced grief or loss and feel like you are in the storm of your life? Waves of grief crash over your heart and it becomes harder and harder to find stability. In the tidal waves of fresh grief, comes a desperate need to cling to an anchor your soul. It is often through…
10 Practical Ways to Love Someone Who is Grieving
Do you know someone who has lost a loved one, but feel at a loss how to reach out in a practical way? Do you want to support them but feel like you might make their pain worse by saying or doing something that could be taken wrong? How do you love someone who is…
10 Bible Verses for Fighting Fear
By Shannon Leibold The most often repeated command in the Bible is this: “Do not fear.” God instructs us not to be afraid, not because there aren’t very real things to be scared of in this world, but because He’s calling us to faith in Him. Fear is a natural response to dangerous and unknown…
The Day God Sent Me a Letter…Overcoming Anxiety and Fear
I was in the middle of cruising through a good Bible study, bee-bopping in time with the sunshine when God ran me into a brick wall. It was just a simple exercise in the workbook, but it wrecked me. The assignment began with a risky question, “If God would write you a letter about your…
How to Get A Grip and Guide Your Emotions By Applying Biblical Truth
When I was single, I spent a lot of time wondering if I would ever get married. I thought about the future a lot. Sometimes my thoughts were filled with anxiety and worry, and other times they were resting peacefully in God’s sovereignty. My questions about marriage were eventually answered in 2011 when I walked…
How to Be Still and Wait on God…Even When He’s Silent
Are you in a season of waiting on God to move in your life? Are you surrounded by darkness that doesn’t go away? Does it seem like God is pressing the pause button on your future, or are you falling apart because of a situation you are facing? When life the storms of life hit…
How to Cast Your Burdens on the Lord & Climb Out of Your Pit
Everyone gets loaded down with heavy burdens, and it is hard to let them go. Do you struggle with casting your burdens on the Lord and having the strength to climb out of your pit? BURDENS. Whether it is finances, strained relationships, failing health, or unexpected grief. Those types of burdens can steal your joy and…