What We Do

Simply Scripture Womens Bible Studies

Helping women engage Scripture confidently through in-depth, Simply Color © Bible Studies and other resources.

Simply Scripture - Women's Bible Studies

Cultivating spiritual growth through our vibrant online Bible study community.

Simply Scripture Women's Bible Studies

Discovering our irrevocable identity in Christ and learning to thrive in our role as daughters of the Most-High King.

The story

I grew up sitting in a church pew every week, yet I had no idea how the Bible operated. I approached my Bible with the self-centered-genie-in-a-bottle attitude hoping my life would work out better than average. My busy yellow highlighter turned my Bible into nothing more than a self-help crutch formed from years of ear-tickling sermons and fluffy, feel-good women’s Bible studies. I had plenty of advice on how to live a Christian lifestyle but was ignorant of why I needed Christ in the first place. How was I supposed to gather all these random tidbits of information and form a faith that could defeat darkness? Clueless.

I had a decent assurance that God loved me, but I quickly discovered my treasured coffee-cup-verses didn’t cut it when real life hit hard.

I wasn’t prepared for active spiritual warfare, and I knew it.

One day, while I was getting lost in my blurry yellow Bible, God got ahold of me. I found my identity in Christ and it changed this wandering self-help-legalist into an authentic worshipper. I laid down my yellow highlighter and traded topical fluff for eight colored pencils and the real meat of Scripture. The Simply Color© Bible study method was born from my desire to accurately read my Bible and show others how to discover the transforming power of the pure Gospel.

Now, here we are almost ten years later! Thousands of women from across the world have rediscovered the joy of their salvation and their identity in Christ with the swipe of eight colored pencils. Who knew?…He did.

Welcome to Simply Scripture, sister.

Join our mission

Write Together!

The goal at Simply Scripture is to build a community of women whose passion is to make Jesus known, cultivate deeper faith, and thrive in God’s word. Is that your goal, too? Prayerfully consider if your ministry is ready to link arms with us by reading our statement of faith.

Book an Event!

Are you looking for a speaker at your next women’s retreat, conference, or Zoom Bible study with a group of friends? Contact Sheryl and compare calendars.

Speaking Testimonials

Bible-based & engaged

“I attended a conference where Sheryl spoke. Sheryl’s teaching was not only Bible based but was presented in a way I could connect to everyday life. She engaged the audience, used real life examples, and even prayed for us individually at the end of her teaching.”
Lisa Y

Fabulous, God-filled day!

The Bloom Retreat was a fabulous, God-filled day. It was put together very well; from the music to the speakers to lunch to the generous give-aways. And best of all were the stories shared and getting to hear how God worked in each one. Don’t miss an opportunity to hear these ladies.
Sue H