Posts by Shannon Leibold
Meet the author
Shannon Leibold believes the greatest story ever told is the one found on the pages of Scripture. Captivated by God’s grand narrative of relentless redemption, she spends most of her free time immersed in the Bible, both as a student and teacher and curriculum developer. She is passionate about helping women find their way around the Bible and inspiring them to develop a deep hunger for God through His Word. She makes a home with her husband Kris and two teenage children in Ontario, Canada. She’s the one frantically taking notes through every sermon, playing podcasts during every mundane task, and devouring every book that sparks her interest.
10 Bible Verses for Fighting Fear
By Shannon Leibold The most often repeated command in the Bible is this: “Do not fear.” God instructs us not to be afraid, not because there aren’t very real things to be scared of in this world, but because He’s calling us to faith in Him. Fear is a natural response to dangerous and unknown…
5 Praying Women in the Bible
By Shannon Leibold Throughout history, women have a special place in the story of redemption. They are life-bringers, world-changers and truth-tellers. They bring warmth, wisdom and grace to relationships. They speak truth, engage in good deeds, and nurture the next generation. These mighty women have one thing in common: they are women of prayer. While…
A Simple 5-Step Method to Rekindle Your Prayer Life
By Shannon Leibold I squirmed in the pew as the pastor talked about the importance of prayer in the life of a believer. Not that I disagreed with anything he was saying – in fact, I would be quick to shout a hearty “Amen!” with all my Bible-believing, church going friends. The tension came in…
Wrestling in Prayer for an Abundant Harvest
By Shannon Leibold I come from wide-open spaces and barefoot summers and rows of corn taller than my head. Filling the role of the son he never had, I was my farmer-Dad’s shadow. In the spring, I stood on the back of the seed drill watching those little bean seeds fall into the earth as…